
hands hygiene station with access control in stainless steel

Hand nebulizer with access control cod. 917

917 Sanitizing hands station with access control function was created as a result of increasing demands and interests in the international market towards a structure that would ensure the sanitation of handsas a compulsory step.


Made of stainless steel AISI 304, the station is composed of disinfectant spray for hands and the tripod turnstile, ideal solution for access control.


The elements composing the station are:


  • The electric nebulizer 837 A compulsory stop with hand disinfection functions with nebulization of alcoholic solutions by the immediate evaporation. The sanitizing times vary from 3 to 8 seconds.
  • The three-arm turnstile, connected to the compulsory nebulizer as well. The operator stops during the procedure of performing hand hygiene and following the correct execution of the same turnstile rotates allowing the output with directional light signal
  • The anti-panic arm makes Controltik an innovative station: it is setted for automatic unlocking of the tripod during blackouts.
  • Access control badges: it allows the passage only of authorized operators in order to verify the correct execution of the procedure before and after shifts.


Quality of product

Compliance with: UNI EN ISO 12100: Safety of machinery, general principles for design, risk assessment and risk reduction CEI EN 60204-1 Safety of machinery, electrical equipment of machines, Part 1 General Rules

Areas of use

All food industries
PhotogalleryHand nebulizer with access control cod. 917
installazione-presso-cliente-igienizzazione-mani-con-tornello stazione-igienizzante-mani-nebulizzatore-con-controllo-su ogni-mano controltik_stazione_igienizzazione_mani_fissaggio_muro_controllo_accessi
Accessories Hand nebulizer with access control cod. 917
VideoHand nebulizer with access control cod. 917