
Boot washer  sole cleaner footwear sanitizer hand sanitising 926 full optional

Sole washer full optional 926

Sole washer 926 full optional in stainless steel Aisi 304 is projected for soles’ and hands hygiene with compulsory execution.

The machine integrates the main optionals in order to create a compulsory station before entering working division.


The optional present are:

  • nebulizer 837 C: hands hygiene with proper disinfectant in total safety conditions;
  • pneumatic timed gate in stainless steel Aisi 304 of compulsoriness
  • pneumatic cilinder for gate stop, connected to the nebulizer: the cilinder opens after operators have completed hands hygienisation process.
  • possibility of installation at floor level


Inside the basement we can find:

  • flat brushes with 7 mm bristles
  • semicircular brushes, with 21 mm bristles and and a three times superior scraping power. Semicircular brushes are able to remove the most resistant dirt

Technical features:


Dimensions: 90 x 66 x 144 cm

Supply: compressed air 6 bar


Areas of use

All food industries
PhotogallerySole washer full optional 926
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Accessories Sole washer full optional 926
VideoSole washer full optional 926