The bidirectional hyigiene station 926 is a modular solution in stainless steel Aisi 304, projected for soles’ and hands hygiene with compulsory execution. The following optionals are present:
- pneumatic nebulizer 837 C: hands hygiene with proper disinfectant in total safety conditions;
- gate 928 A pneumatic timed gate in stainless steel Aisi 304 of compulsoriness;
- the pneumatic cilinder for gate stop, is connected to the nebuliser and opens after operators have completed hands hygienization;
The operator walks on Pulitak, sanitizes hands and soles, and only after the two operations, the gate opens.
At the exit, the person walks through a tripod direction,a only works that way.
It regulates the flow of workers by forcing them to sanitize in only one direction.
An optional is also a sanitization in both senses.
The operating use is pneumatic.
Sectors: in all food environments
Dimensions: cm 140 x 66 x 144